“From Pride to Smugness and the Nationalism Between: Olympic Media Consumption Effects on Nationalism Across the Globe” is the title of a paper I co-authored with seven co-authors from five countries and four continents. The article has now been published in the latest issue of Mass Communication and Society.
The article documents a study conducted in six countries (Australia, Bulgaria, China, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United States) aimed at measuring the relationships between Olympic media viewing and nation-based attitudes.
The study showed that the amount of Olympic viewing impacts individual attitudes regarding patriotism, nationalism, and smugness. Contrary to expectations, Olympic viewing does not impact favorable attitudes to internationalism.
The study was coordinated by Andrew C. Billings from the University of Alabama. Co-authors included Natalie A. Brown and Kenon A. Brown from the University of Alabama; Guoqing from Chengdu Sport University; Mark A. Leeman from Northern Kentucky University; David R. Novak from Erasmus University in the Netherlands; David Rowe from the University of New South Wales; and myself.
The editorial board of Mass Communication and Society, a scholarly journal published by Taylor and Francis, decided to publish it in Issue 6, Vol. 16, of the journal, published in December 2013.
The article can be found on the journal website. Happy reading!