Disseminating knowledge, nurturing critical thinking, and stimulating people to look for alternative views are among my favorite activities. The list below details a comprehensive bibliography of my publications to date. It includes books, journal articles, book chapters, research reports and handbooks I have (co-)authored or (co-)edited. Links to contents available online are published where applicable.
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Articles and chapters in Journalism/Media Studies
Articles and chapters in Social and Policy Studies
Articles and chapters in Kinesiology
Research reports
- Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (Officiating Basketball: Research Aspects. In Slovenian), editor, with Brane Dežman. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009. (Download a supplement to the book including chapter abstracts in the English language here.)
- Sport, Culture & Society: an Account of Views and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond), editor, with Mojca Doupona Topič. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2008.
- Sport, Culture & Society: Abstract book, editor, with Mojca Doupona Topič. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2008.
Articles and Chapters in Journalism and Media studies
- The eternal talent, the French Senegalese, and the coach’s troop: Broadcasting soccer on Slovenian public television. Soccer and Society, 2015, vol. 16, no. 5-6, 657-673. Doi: 10.1080/14660970.2014.963312.
- From Pride to Smugness and the Nationalism Between: Olympic Media Consumption Effects on Nationalism Across the Globe, with Andrew C. Billings, Natalie A. Brown, Kenon A. Brown, Guoqing, Mark A. Leeman, David R. Novak & David Rowe. Mass Communication and Society, 2013, vol. 16, No. 6, 910-932. Doi: 10.1080/15205436.2013.822519.
- Slovenia. In Thomas Horky and Jörg-Uwe Nieland (eds.), International Sports Press Survey 2011 (pp. 148-162). Nordenstam: Book on Demand, 2013. Buy the book on Amazon!
- “Black as Kenenisa Bekele in a Tunnel”: Representation of African athletes in Slovenian Olympic broadcasting. Ecquid Novi: African Journal of Communication, 2013, vol. 34, No. 2, 93-108. Doi: 10.1080/02560054.2013.788455.
- Cheering for “Our” Champs By Watching “Sexy” Female Throwers: Representation of Nationality and Gender in Slovenian 2008 Summer Olympic Television Coverage, with Andrew C. Billings. European Journal of Communication, 2013, vol. 28, No. 4, 379-396. Doi: 10.1177/0267323113484438.
- Two perspectives on one competition: Slovenian coverage of artistic gymnastics at the 2008 Summer Olympics, with Andrew C. Billings. Science of Gymnastics, 2012, vol. 4, No. 3, 49-59.
- Affirming Nationality in Trans-National Circumstances: Slovenian Coverage of Continental Franchise Competitions, with Andrew C. Billings. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, published online before print June 5, 2012, doi: 10.1177/1012690212446821.
- Mister Olympic Programming. In Susan Tyler Eastman and Douglas A. Ferguson (eds.), Media Programming: Strategies and Practices (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Wadsworth, 2012.
- Superpowers on the Olympic Basketball Court: The United States versus China through Four Nationalistic Lenses, with Andrew C. Billings, Paul J. Macarthur, and Wu Dan. International Journal of Sport Communication, 2009, vol. 2, no. 4, 380-397.
- (Ne)pristranskost in subjektivnost v diskurzu športnega novinarstva ([Im]partialness and Subjectiveness in the Discourse of Sports Journalism. In Slovenian). In Mitja Velikonja, Peter Stanković and Gregor Starc (eds.), Kalejdoskop športa: uvod v športne študije (pp. 233-247). Maribor: Aristej, 2009.
- The Objective Cheer: an Overview of Ethical Codification in Sports Reporting. In Mojca Doupona Topič and Simon Ličen (eds.), Sport, Culture & Society: an Account of Views and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond) (pp. 93-98). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- The Imbalance of Commentators’ Discourse during a Televised Basketball Match, with Mojca Doupona Topič. Kinesiology, 2008, vol. 40, no. 1, 61-68.
- Olympics and the Mass Media (translator). In Vassil Girginov, Jim S. Parry and Milan Hosta (eds.), The Olympic Games Explained: A Student Guide to the Evolution of the Modern Olympic Games (Slovenian edition) (pp. 52-64). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of sport, 2007.
- The Quality of Survey Questions Published on Slovenian Journalistic Web Sites, with Katja Lozar Manfreda and Valentina Hlebec. Metodološki zvezki, 2006, vol. 3, no. 2, 355-368.
Articles and Chapters in Social and Policy Studies
- Physical activity and health-related quality of life (Dejavniki gibalne aktivnosti in z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja. In Slovenian), with Renata Slabe Erker. Obzornik zdravstvene nege (Slovenian Nursing Review), 2014, vol. 48, no. 2, 113-126.
- Država in šport za vse v Sloveniji – aktualno stanje razmer (Sport for All and the State in Slovenia: A review. In Slovenian), with Renata Slabe Erker and Simona Kustec Lipicer. Šport, 2012, vol. 59 (1/2), 13-18.
- Psihološke razsežnosti košarkarskega sojenja (Psychological Dimensions of Basketball Officiating. In Slovenian). In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 1-10). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Socialnodemografski profil najkakovostnejših slovenskih košarkarskih sodnikov (A Sociodemographic Profile of Elite Slovenian Basketball Officials. In Slovenian). In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 17-25). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Nasilje nad košarkarskimi sodniki (Violence Experienced by Basketball Officials. In Slovenian), with Jure Turk and Mojca Doupona Topič. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 107-115). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- The Role of Sport in Society, with Mojca Doupona Topič, Otmar Weiss, and Michael Methlagl. In Mojca Doupona Topič and Simon Ličen (eds.), Sport, Culture & Society: an Account of Views and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond) (pp. 60-64). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2008.
- Attitudes to Doping Among Players in Slovenian Top-Level Basketball Teams, with Mitja Bračič. In Dragan Milanović and Franjo Prot (eds.), 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia, September 10-14, 2008. Proceedings book (pp. 774-776). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, 2008.
- Odnos med športnikom in trenerjem v slovenskih kakovostnih košarkarskih ekipah (Athlete-Coach Relationship in Slovenian Top-Level Basketball Teams. In Slovenian), with Saša Cecić Erpić and Mojca Doupona Topič. Šport, 2006, vol. 54, no. 4, 44-48, suppl.
- Športni indeks kot podpora vrednotenju športa v družbi (A sport index as a mean for assesing the societal significance of sport. In Slovenian), with Mojca Doupona Topič, Silvie Bergant, and Otmar Weiss. Šport, 2007, vol. 55, no. 4, 36-39.
Articles and Chapters in Kinesiology
- Model poteka košarkarske igre (A Model of the Course of a Basketball Game. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. In Brane Dežman (ed.), Struktura košarkarske igre in igralna učinkovitost: znanstvena monografija (pp. 3-12). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2012.
- Referenčni model strukture delov košarkarske igre (A Reference Model of Period Structure in a Basketball Game. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. In Brane Dežman (ed.), Struktura košarkarske igre in igralna učinkovitost: znanstvena monografija (pp. 13-26). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2012.
- Referenčni model strukture delov košarkarske igre (A Reference Model of the Structure of the Game of Basketball. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. Šport, 2010, vol. 58, no. 1-2, 68-74.
- Struktura posegov treh sodnikov v posamezni četrtini košarkarske tekme glede na njihov položaj (Interventions of officials in a three-man crew in basketball with regard to their position on court. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. Šport, 2009, vol. 57, no. 3-4, 29-33.
- Preučevanje košarkarskega sojenja oziroma košarkarskih sodnikov (Studying Basketball Officiating and Basketball Officials. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 11-15). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Analiza razlik v poti in hitrosti gibanja dveh oziroma treh sodnikov (Differences in Distance Covered By and Movement Speed Of Officals in Two-Person and Three-Person Officiating. In Slovenian), with Mateja Lončar and Brane Dežman. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 37-48). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Obremenitev in funkcionalni napor košarkarskega sodnika na tekmi z dvema in tremi sodniki (Officials’ Heart Rate in Two-Person and Three-Person Officiating. In Slovenian), with Mateja Lončar. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 57-64). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Obremenitev in funkcionalni napor košarkarskih sodnikov pri sojenju v trojici (Distance Covered/Fatigue and Heart Rate/Functional Loading of a Basketball Official in Three-Person Officiating. In Slovenian). In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 65-75). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Analiza posegov prvih in drugih sodnikov na košarkarskih tekmah (Comparison of Referee and Umpire Calls in Basketball. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman and Rafael Plut. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 77-85). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Analiza vseh posegov dveh sodnikov na košarkarskih tekmah (Infraction Calls in Two-Person Officiating . In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman and Rafael Plut. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 87-94). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Struktura posegov treh sodnikov v posamezni četrtini košarkarske tekme glede na njihov položaj (Infraction Calls in Three-Person Officiating with Regard to the Officials’ On-Court Position. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. In Brane Dežman and Simon Ličen (eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 95-105). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2009.
- Analiza posegov prvih in drugih sodnikov na košarkarskih tekmah (Analysis of Referee and Umpire Calls in Basketball. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman and Rafael Plut. Šport, 2006, vol. 54, no. 4, 13-17, suppl.
- Analysis of Referees’ Interventions in Basketball, with Rafael Plut and Brane Dežman. In Henriette Dancs, Mike Hughes and Pete O’Donoghue (eds.), WCPAS 7 Book of proceedings (pp. 138-149). Szombathely: Berzsenyi Daniel College, 2006.
- Državni ukrepi za športno aktivnost državljanov: ocene in zaznave skupin odločevalcev in izvajalcev (State interventions for the sport activity of the population: Assessments and perceptions of executors and decision-makers. In Slovenian), with Simona Kustec Lipicer. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Centre for Policy Analysis, 2012.
- Učinkovita državna podpora za športno aktivnost državljanov: vloga oblasti in dejavniki športne aktivnosti državljanov (Efficient Governmental Support for the Sport Activity of the Population. In Slovenian), with Simona Kustec Lipicer, Renata Slabe Erker, and Nikolina Bilavčić. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Centre for Policy Analysis and Institute for Economic Research, 2011.
- Priročnik za sojenje male košarke (Mini-basketball Officials’ Handbook. In Slovenian), with Frane Erčulj. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2006.
- Pravila za košarkarske sodnike pripravnike (Basketball Rules for Beginning Referees. In Slovenian), with Frane Erčulj. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2006.
- Mehanika sojenja za košarkarske sodnike pripravnike (Officiating Mechanics for Beginning Basketball Referees. In Slovenian), with Brane Dežman. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2003.